
Ch. Beaus n Belles Hot Sopapilla


Here she is 6 months old.

She was bred by Barbara Thomas and purchased by us at 9 weeks.


Ch. Beaus N Belles Hot Sopapilla


She finished her championship at 11 months.

She was shown for only 6 weeks before she became a champion.

Sophie is only the 2nd red toy bitch to finish as a puppy.

She was beaten for 1st by just a few weeks!!



Thinking about what a beautiful poodle has to endure to keep her humans happy.


Cajun puppies Kookie and Mystique outside playing


Cajun Daughter Mystique at 3 months


Dylor Color Me Mystique

A Cajun daughter our "measuring cup" poodle at age 3 months


Dylor Color Me Mystique with friend Linda Ingram.

Cajun daughter.


Dylor Color Me Mystique by Cajun X Salsa


Another Cajun Daughter.
Dylor Lyka Spice Girl of Lemar @ age 13 mos.

She is out of Lemar Dylor Lyka Hot Salsa.

"Little Richard"

By Ch.Dylor Lyka Cajun Christmas X Dylor Delane Electra.
Another Cajun Kid, bred/owned by Marilyn Carlisle.
He was Best toy puppy at the PCA Apricot/Red Match and is pointed.

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