Judy with our first red champion, Ch. Koehl's Dylor LykaHot Tamale.
This was the day Tamale got her first 4 point major.
Ch. Koehl's Dylor Lyka Hot Tamale
This was just before she won BOV.
Ch. Dylor Lyka Cajun Christmas
Cajun is our first home bred red. In this picture he defeatedan entry of 22 to be BOV.
He is the sire of several of our redheads.
Ch. Dylor Lyka Cajun Christmas & Lorraine Coowner/Cobreeder.
One of the redheads as a baby. This is Dylor Lyka Quesa Dilla.
His parents are Ch. Cajun and Ch. Tamale.
Dylor Lyka Quesa Dilla at age 8 months.
He was pointed his first weekend out by his breeder.
Quesa Dilla showing his champion breeding.
Ch.Dylor Lyka Jose Cuervo
By Ch.Dylor Lyka Cajun Christmas X Ch.Koehl's Dylor LykaHot Tamale
A red toy male, bred by us and owned by Marion Valresco.
He finished hischampionship 10/15/00.
Handled by Miyuki, he is champion #2 for that litter.
We are very proud ofJose, as well as his brother, Quesa.
Ch.Dylor Lyka Jose Cuervo age 8 months.